Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why magick works and why it doesn't?

Below is a video (46 minutes) by Rob Cutter. He explains why and how magick works and why not when it doesn't.

There is an underlying CORE of mechanics for why magick either works or doesn't. The truth is, it ALWAYS works, just not in the way you may have intended. But in order to make it work, you must understand WHY it works.

He also shows his candle magick and also explains the importance of colors as well as chakras. He explains the connection between your chakras and colors that are used for candle magick.

He insists on the idea that magick occurs mentally, primarily. Thus thinking creates a change in the physical world.

Here is the video. I'll try to answer questions in comments, if any.

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Here will be links to a set of articles that I find useful for magickal practice, tarot readings, psychic readings and alike.